Sunday, December 23, 2012
Thursday, December 20, 2012
2013 AA Alignments
AA Varsity 2013
The current round of proposals for tiering etc, if passed, would take effect in 2014. Suffice it to say, the decisions to be made by the membership will be important. In the interim, aka 2013, the following divisional alignments will manifest themselves.
1. Argyle
2. Ballenas
3. Carson Graham
4. John Barsby
5. Nanaimo District
6. Sentinel
7. Windsor
1. Abbottsford Collegiate
2. G.W. Graham
3. Langley
4. Pitt Meadows
5. Mission
6. Rick Hansen
7. Robert Bateman
8. Samuel Roberts Technical
1. Eric Hamber
2. Frank Hurt
3. Holy Cross
4. Hugh Boyd
5. Seaquam
6. South Delta
7. Spectrum
1. Clarence Fulton??
2. Kalmalka
3. Mount Baker
4. Norkam
5. Okanagen Mission
6. Salmon Arm (League Only)
7. South Kamloops
1. College Heights
2. Correlieu
3. Dutchess Park
4. Kelley Road
5. Nechako Valley
6. Prince George
Schedules are currently being drawn by the BCSSFA executive and ought to come out via e-mail prior to 25 December.
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
2012-2013 BCSSFA Numbers
BCSSFA School Enrollment 2012-2013
2012-13 Number of Boys G. 11 and 12 combined/Projected 2013-14 Enrollment (current 10/11)
591 Kelowna 597
540 New Westminster 506
516 Rutland 461
473 Mt. Boucherie 511
454 Belmont 448
451 Centennial 404
390 Earl Marriot 396
382 Lord Tweedsmuir 381
381 Eric Hamber 326
376 West Vancouver 363
364 Terry Fox 380
364 WJ Mouat 388
360 Spectrum 327
348 Prince George 303
332 Mt. Douglas 294
323 Vancouver College 325
318 Salmon Arm 303
316 Mt. Baker 318
313 Handsworth 310
311 Georges P. Vanier 317
309 Moscrop 334
300 Argyle 279
298 Correlieu 287
296 South Delta 312
292 Seaquam 284
291 South Kamloops 290
287 Frank Hurt 256
284 Carson Graham 268
269 Abbottsford 236
262 Robert Bateman 277
224 Okanagen Mission 242
223 Langley 226
222 Pitt Meadows 249
218 College Heights 211
217 Rick Hansen 237
214 Hugh Boyd 202
211 Samuel Robertson Technical 201
210 Timberline 213
205 Vernon 188
203 Sentinel 217
200 Ballenas 216
199 Mark Isfeld 209
199 Nanaimo District 217
196 Howe Sound 186
194 Windsor 202
192 Mission 195
189 Duchess Park 204
176 Holy Cross 161
171 GW Graham 181
158 Edward Milne 161
157 Westsyde 160
157 Kelley Road 174
154 Kalmalka 144
154 Valleyview 167
151 John Barsby 168
126 St. Thomas More 128
126 Notre Dame 140
90 Nechako Valley 127
Friday, December 14, 2012
2013 Alignments
The Vote
Well, it would seem that the vote to hybridize did not pass. The status-quo at varsity will by and large stay the same with several programs joining AA Varsity, notably Spectrum, GW Graham and SRT. I believe that due to numbers we will likely see Belmont and Handsworth joining AAA ball. Tier 2 will likely continue to exist as is.
JV ball however, could be in for some big changes. It appears that there is a distinct possibility that AAA/AA conferences may blend into regional groupings, play each other during the season and then seed into their respective playoff pools. The cost of travel for the current AAA groupings is the driving force behind this direction. It has little or nothing to do about competition and I predict spates of forfeiture when for instance a struggling quasi-tier 2 squad is scheduled to play a Mount Douglas or Fox type program. Dollars and convenience from the smallest grouping of programs in the association are set to alter the majority of programs who have been for the most part, thriving with league play amongst themselves.
Let's be honest gang, at the provincial level, AAA is going to whither on the vine until the one factor that cannot be couched, manipulated, massaged, contextualized, etc. is altered. That my friends is numbers of boys in g.11/12 combined. The number currently used to separate the herd is 300. It has been very, very successful in terms of providing stability and withstanding the human tendency to gerimander and fiddle to gain advantage. The only problem is that 300 is archaic. Schools are on balance smaller than when 300 was determined to be the dividing line.
The number to be used? Something between 250 and 270 would be more appropriate. Arguments against this with demographics as their starting point be damned. Humans are humans and they all respond to proper motivation. The right formula, well that's the nut that has to be cracked.
In closing, I would humbly suggest that sustainability and growth be the driving factor with our provincial structure as opposed to perception/aesthetics. The latter will come along if you take care of the former.
Scenario A
The Guiding Rule: Thou shalt not move down out of your number driven tier, only up and then by choice.
BCSSFA Super-League: 6-8 historically dominant AAA programs. Great Football and can deservedly be media divas all they like
AA 250 and up numbers of boys g. 11/12 combined. Competitive and geographically represents a true provincial league. Monsters that emerge may want to try their hand at the super league.
A 249 boys g. 11/12 combined. Competitive, geographically represents a true provincial league, room for movement to AA league by choice. Can petition for 9 man league if coaching/resources/participation are historically limited.
B-9 Nine man ball. (Football would spread like wildfire and some of these programs would germinate into single A league programs.) Keeps hope and the game alive!!
Net effect: There is a spot for everyone, the game will grow and do so in health. The tired arguement that there are not enough teams to justify 4 banners will lose even more validity. Lastly, A or AA teams that may fold (will actually be only a few) will by their absence, strengthen the provincial herd so to speak.
Scenario 2
Same as above, no super league and raise cutoff from 250 to 270.
Sunday, December 2, 2012
The Vote
To Hybridize or Not To Hybridize
Last January BCSSFA formed a competition committee to accept proposals and study alternatives to BCSSFA's current competitive structure/tiering. The perceived problem, only 14 teams at AAA level of play. Though balleyhooed, celebrated and propagated as the best, the league is tiered within itself, not truley provincial in scope, inbred and quite frankly, dying on the vine. A call for solutions was sent forth and the competition comittee composed of former and current AA and AAA coaches was struck to filter, digest, ruminate and report.
The complete report may or may not be posted on the BCSSFA site (for the sake of transparency, it should be). All programs were e-mailed the report months ago. A vote on the comittee reccomendation is currently taking place. Ballots will be accepted til Dec. 7th or Dec. 8th depending on which e-mail from the executive you read. Use the 7th to ensure your voice is heard.
A thought, keep Tier 2 around ,but make it 9 man ball. The main excuse for "folding" year after year has always been numbers and inability to compete. Well hec, have tier 2 be 9 man ball. It "keeps hope alive", it acts as a way to float programs til they can play 11 man ball, it helps schools which for a variety of reasons cannot sustain large rosters year-after-year to maintain football. If a program wants to play 11 man ball, we have it, at AA and AAA. The true sandbaggers would have very little to go on in terms of hiding at tier 2.
BCSSFA benefits by having more stability at the AA level as a result, a larger membership and importantly, a platform for future growth, particularly in the smaller communities and frontier areas of the province geographically. There is no downside to this at all and we are quite frankly missing a strategic opportunity to improve our overall health as an organization not to do it!
Nuff for now. Go vote.
2012 BC Champions
South Delta Wins AA Varsity and Mission Wins AA JV
Congratulations to both squads on their decisive victories at this year's Provincial Championship games. I am quite sure that the road to victory is rich and replete with lessons and memories that will pollinate lives and future groups of footballers for years to come. Well Done!!
Enjoy your upcoming holliday break and a big thank you for a very entertaining 2012 season! Am looking forward to 2013 and what it brings. Be sure your HC votes on the executive proposal regarding hybridized AA/AAA conferences. The deadline is 7 Dec. according to one e-mail and 8 Dec. according to another. Use the 7th as your deadline. Your votes go to Mr. Kris Pechet. One vote per-school/program.
All The Best,
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Subway Bowl Preview
AA Varsity BC Championship Game
Mission Roadrunners vs South Delta Sundevils: It's AA Varsity's best two teams squaring off in the Dome on Saturday afternoon and a contrast in styles of play that is sure to intrigue fans of the game. Mission is fast, precise and extremely disciplined offensively and defensively. South Delta is equally fast across their roster, bigger, stronger and relishes a physical brand of ball. The coaching is exceptional both ways and the kicking games are the best in the province. What then will give? Well, I think the game comes down to A) Turnovers and B) Depth. South Delta is deeper up front than Mission and quite frankly, deeper across the board. Mission relies on a big contribution from its JV squad and their JV's play hours earlier in the JV championship game. I believe that if South Delta can keep Weins and Horton inside the box and turn this game into a highly kinetic affair, that Mission will not get out of the mid-3rd quarter with any juice left for a finish. Can they do this? Yep, they have the speed and coaching aptitude to successfully game plan it. Defensively, the Roadrunners have a tough choice: Do they play zone or man primarily. Again, using their speed, a zone approach can get a lot of hats to the football. SD can find the holes in the zone coverage however and has players that can turn small throws into huge plays. If Mission goes man, their depth becomes a problem as they will be running all day vs the Sundevil receivers and then, toungues haning out, have to report for offensive work and the thumping that awaits. GI's Pick: South Delta by 16
AA Junior Varsity BC Championship Game
Mission Roadrunners vs Abbottsford Collegiate Panthers: Kudo's to Abbey and Mission for getting to the big dance. Abbey has gotten to the event with size, power and hard nosed play. Mission, with smothering defense and great athletes in space offensively accompanied by some gridiron guile. The big question to be answered is going to be whether or not the Misssion staff is prepared to sacrifice key components of its Varsity squad (10's who also play-up) in a physical mash-up for the JV title. If so, the Roadrunners have an outside shot of prevailing. I think however, depth and split duty are going to be hamstring factors in this contest for the boys in green. The Abbey staff has the luxury of preparing their team for the big game with undivided attention and focus. The Panthers will be fresher, longer and it will be telling in the second half. GI's Pick: Abbey by 7
Mission Roadrunners vs South Delta Sundevils: It's AA Varsity's best two teams squaring off in the Dome on Saturday afternoon and a contrast in styles of play that is sure to intrigue fans of the game. Mission is fast, precise and extremely disciplined offensively and defensively. South Delta is equally fast across their roster, bigger, stronger and relishes a physical brand of ball. The coaching is exceptional both ways and the kicking games are the best in the province. What then will give? Well, I think the game comes down to A) Turnovers and B) Depth. South Delta is deeper up front than Mission and quite frankly, deeper across the board. Mission relies on a big contribution from its JV squad and their JV's play hours earlier in the JV championship game. I believe that if South Delta can keep Weins and Horton inside the box and turn this game into a highly kinetic affair, that Mission will not get out of the mid-3rd quarter with any juice left for a finish. Can they do this? Yep, they have the speed and coaching aptitude to successfully game plan it. Defensively, the Roadrunners have a tough choice: Do they play zone or man primarily. Again, using their speed, a zone approach can get a lot of hats to the football. SD can find the holes in the zone coverage however and has players that can turn small throws into huge plays. If Mission goes man, their depth becomes a problem as they will be running all day vs the Sundevil receivers and then, toungues haning out, have to report for offensive work and the thumping that awaits. GI's Pick: South Delta by 16
AA Junior Varsity BC Championship Game
Mission Roadrunners vs Abbottsford Collegiate Panthers: Kudo's to Abbey and Mission for getting to the big dance. Abbey has gotten to the event with size, power and hard nosed play. Mission, with smothering defense and great athletes in space offensively accompanied by some gridiron guile. The big question to be answered is going to be whether or not the Misssion staff is prepared to sacrifice key components of its Varsity squad (10's who also play-up) in a physical mash-up for the JV title. If so, the Roadrunners have an outside shot of prevailing. I think however, depth and split duty are going to be hamstring factors in this contest for the boys in green. The Abbey staff has the luxury of preparing their team for the big game with undivided attention and focus. The Panthers will be fresher, longer and it will be telling in the second half. GI's Pick: Abbey by 7
Sunday, November 18, 2012
BC Semi-Final Round
British Columbia AA Varsity Semi-Finals
Quarter Final Wrap
The top four did their thing on the weekend and the semi-finals will truly represent the top squads in the province for 2012. Mention must be made of the tremendous job done by the Rick Hanson Hurricanes and the Windsor Dukes in terms of preparation, intensity and execution as both teams had legitimate chances to upset South Delta and Mission respectively.
Lastly, I most humbly offer an apology tot he Hurricanes in particular for the lambasting given to them in last week's edition. You guys are legit and will be a wrecking crew come 2013.
Ballenas Whalers 56 Robert Bateman 26
South Delta Sundevils 29 Rick Hansen Hurricanes 14
John Barsby Bulldogs 58 Pitt Meadows Marauders 9
Mission Roadrunners 21 Windsor Dukes 7
Gridiron's Semi-Final Picks
Barsby vs South Delta: South Delta beat Barsby in what can only be described as one of 2012's biggest slobberknockers of the season. The Sundevils have surged ever since while Barsby has regrouped and refocused on the opportunity for another shot at their nemisis. The Sundevils have certainly found medicine for the double-wing defensivley and Barsby has got to play better in all areas to be able to get more thatn 6 points on the board. Offensively, South Delta has been unstoppable week in and week out all year with easily the most accomplished passing game in the province at any level. The Barsby defense has been solid all year and will be called on yet again to keep the game tight enough for an opportunity to win. The Sundevil kicking-game, particularly kick-offs and field goals is the best in BC so Barsby is going to be playing on a long field throughout. This could be a huge difference maker in the contest. GI's Pick: Overtime
Mission vs Ballenas: Wow! Where to begin on this one? Ballenas has been scoring in huge chunks with the most explosive offense in the post-season tourney to date racking up an incredible 119 points in their first two outings. Most impressively, these points have come almost equally via the ground and the air. Defensively however, the Whalers have given-up 61 points to their opponents and have been hurt by the run. Mission rolls in with arguably the most explosive backfield in BC led by Mr. Everything, Kevin Weins. This game could truly become a shoot-out of epic proportions! The match-ups are dead even across the board with the advantage in roster depth going to Ballenas. This could be very telling in the late third and throughout the fourth quarter. Specials are a dead heat with each team posting a very creative kicking-game. The wildcard in this game...will it be raining and worse yet, will it be raining and windy. If this is the case, the Whalers could be in for a tougher go than in optimum conditions. GI's Pick: Ballenas by 6, possibly in overtime.
British Columbia AA Junior Varsity
Quarter Final Wrap
John Barsby Bulldogs 40 Argyle Pipers 33
Abbottsford Collegiate Panthers 41 Nanaimo District Islanders 8
Mission Roadrunners 55 South Kamloops Titans 15
Vernon Panthers 28 Hugh Boyd Trojans 22 (Overtime)
Gridiron's Semi-Final Picks
John Barsby Bulldogs vs Mission Roadrunners: "When old friends meet again" and so the song went. Barsby and Mission will have been dancing together on the big stage for three years running when this thing plays out. Looking at October and November scores, it is hard not to argue that Mission may be the hottest team in AA JV football right now. Barsby too is gelling at the right time of the season and this is going to be a hec of a contest. Mission will have a speed edge and a slight edge in size. Barsby specials are pretty good and the Dawgs are playing a pretty balanced game on offense. Mission's offensive line is very sound fundamentally and both teams like to dust it up physically on defense. When it all said and done, size and speed are a tough duo to beat. GI's Pick: Mission by 9
Abbottsford Panthers vs Vernon Panthers: A Pumatic cat fight if there ever was such a phrase, (not). Kudos to Vernon on their big upset victory over the men of Troy this past Thursday! I'm personally a fan of the Trojan program and its coaches, but I always celebrate a little when the Interior finds playoff success and the respect that comes with it. Vernon crashed the semi's last year at varsity and now here they be in the JV final four. Gotta be something to those fellas. Abbottsford is the beast of the East this year and is playing sledgehammer football behind a big tough line and on the feet of some varsity sized backs. Coach Fujimura is one of HS Football's "good guys" and his quiet, tough approach to the game resonates throughout his program. Abbey's success has been well earned and this crew can smell the Dome! I think that the overall size and physicality brought forth by Abbey will be a decisive factor in Wednesday's game. GI's Pick: Abbey by 21
Sunday, November 11, 2012
BC Quarter-Final Round
AA Varsity
British Columbia Quarter-Finals!
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Tough Sleddin For The Dukes As They Win A Close One In Belmont's Back Yard |
Wild-Card Wrap
Well, Windsor/Belmont and Valleyview/Pitt played two close games and the rest of the opening round was entertaining for those who like offense. The Ballenas-Seaquam game was fast and furious with big plays going both ways throughout the tilt. Lego and O'Brien are all they are billed to be and then some. South Delta showed yet again why they are ranked by some to be number 1 and the Roadrunners lit up their foes early and often. Rounding out the action, Barsby had over a half kilometer of offense vs Holy Cross via the air and ground while East Conference Hansen and Batemen lit-up their respective scoreboards. There are a lot of defensive coordinators this week who are going to be burning the midnight oil. Bad dreams fellas. The championship committee would do well to serve-up some strong black coffee to those tortured and tired souls when they walk through the gates at Thunderbird stadium this coming weekend.
Rick Hansen 54 College Heights 13
Mission 49 Nechako Valley 13
South Delta 46 Carson Graham 10
Ballenas 63 Seaquam 35
Robert Bateman 48 Kalamalka 0
Pitt Meadows 28 Valleyview 21
Windsor 21 Belmont 14
John Barsby 57 Holy Cross 14
GI's Picks
Friday, 16 November, 3:00 PM
Ballenas vs Robert Bateman: Love this match-up. The Whaler passing game is unsurpassed with perhaps the exception of South Delta. Making them even more dangerous is the fact that they can run quite effectively when they want to. Pick your poison on defense. The Timberwolves of Bateman have three bonafide running backs on the field on any given play and looking back at last weekend, Seaquam's Mark Lego gave the Whalers fits all by his lonesome. Batemen throws decently and has big play potential on every completion. Yards after contact are going to be huge for em. The kicking game goes to Ballenas in this game. Defensively, I think this one is a toss-up. The Whalers will have trouble with the speed coming at them on the peremiter run game and Batemen is going to have to defend a passing game like no other they have seen to date. This game will come down to who can figure out the other's attack earliest and adjust accordingly. Points will be scored by the bushell!! GI's Pick: Whalers by 7
Friday, 16 November, 5:30 PM
South Delta vs Rick Hansen: Hansen enters yet another game acompanied with media hype about how good they are, how for real they are, etc. They fact is that they lost big in every "Big" game they were supposed to show their stuff in. Now here is a BIG GAME vs a Big, Nasty, Mean South Delta football team. Overrated and over-hyped vs got there by Doing It. The Hurricanes are outmatched in every possible area one can conceive of except maybe travel distance to stadium. The Sundevils will grab hold of the Hurricanes like a large dog who got into the chicken coop. When all the panicked squawking and loose feathers come to a rest, SD will playfully trot away from the crime scene licking its chops and anticipating its next meal. GI's Pick: South Delta by 40 in a game they slow down on their own.
Saturday, 17 November, 3:00 PM
John Barsby vs Pitt Meadows: Pitt is tough, fast and does not quit. They kick-the ball well and are sound in terms of special teams coverage/their return game. I love their aggressive approach to the game on both sides of the ball and mental focus when down a score or two. These qualities kept the Marauders in good stead as they rallies from a two score deficit on Friday to defeat a very well coached-up and talented Valleyview squad. Barsby can score quickly via the ground and importantly, the air from a variety of formations and via a wide variation of athletes. The Barsby defense is stingy and gets a lot of hats to the football. Special teams for the Dawgs have been problematic, particularly the inability to kick deep. I think this game will be very physical from the outset. Barsby has the narrow edge on both sides of the ball, but specials go to Pitt. Turnovers could play a massively helpful or harmful role either way. GI's Pick: Barsby by 11
Saturday, 17 November, 5:30 PM
Mission vs Windsor: These two teams are extremely well coached and will be hyper prepared for this game. I believe that those in the stands will bear witness to fundamentally sound and technically well coached football. Each offense will find a missing chunk of armour in the opposing defense and exploit it once or twice during the game til adjustments are made. Mission gets the advantage in the kicking game. What therefore is left? Well, I believe it will come down to athlete vs athlete across the board and speed/agility out in space. Mission has more in the cupboards than does the Dukes. This will be telling in the big play department. GI's Pick: Mission by 26
AA JV British Columbia Quarter-Finals
The Argyle Pipers Barnstorm Into Quarters!
Wild Card Scores
Abbottsford Collegiate Panthers 35 Belmont Bulldogs 6
Nanaimo District Islanders 26 Eric Hamber Griffins 8
Argyle Pipers 32 Robert Bateman Timberwolves 21
Mission Roadrunners 27 Carson Graham Eagles 0
John Barsby Bulldogs 46 Earl Marriot Mariners 0
Hugh Boyd Trojans 40 Handsworth Royals 12
Vernon Panthers 28 Dutchess Park Condors 24
South Kamloops Titans 27 Prince George Polars 0
Quarter-Final Match-Ups
Great representation here. Two teams from the East, two from the Interior, two from the Island and one each from the West and South. A provincial playoff indeed!
GI's Picks
John Barsby Bulldogs vs Argyle Pipers: Argyle wins the match-up here in terms of overall athleticism/size of roster and explosive offense. Barsby has a slight defensive edge in terms of points allowed, but has not played as tough a league schedule as the Pipers. In terms of kicking game, this is a draw. These teams have tangled before and Barsby won out a year ago. This is now a veteren Argyle squad with something to prove. In short, they are dangerous as hec. The Dawgs, well they always play pretty tough at home. If they can find consistency and limit penalties they have a shot. GI's Pick: Barsby by 4
South Kamloops Titans vs Mission Roadrunners: South Kamloops has not allowed a touchdown in their last three games. In the last two months and change, 18 pts or so. So how are these guys gonna react when they play somebody who actually fights back and can score? Mission is playing the best football outside of Abbottsford in the JV ranks and maybe the best ball of all the last month or so. Look for the spread and shred of the Roadrunners to spend a lot of time in the Titan end-zone. GI's Pick: Mission's QB gains 270 yds by his lonesome en route to a 35 plus pt. win.
Hugh Boyd Trojans vs Vernon Panthers: The Trojans are playing some red-hot football of late and know how to find the endzone. Vernon has some great size and athletes, but lack of consistent competition will expose one dimensional offense and a defense that cannot adapt quickly enough to Boyd's ability to hit-em where they ain't. GI's Pick: Trojans by 27
Abbottsford Collegiate Panthers vs Nanaimo District Islanders: Abbottsford is at home, is far bigger, matches-up in team speed and loves to pound the football. The Islanders have had a great run in 2012, but the math is tough in this game. I think Abbey is the team to beat in this year's AA JV mix. GI's Pick: Abbey by 21
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Round 1 Playoffs
Playoffs Are Here!
Week 9 Review
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Belmont Defeats Seaquam In The Largest Naval Action Since WW2's Leyte Gulf! |
Mission 30 Robert Bateman 7
Belmont 30 Seaquam 22
Pitt Meadows 33 Langley 6
John Barsby 61 Argyle 0
Windsor 41 Handsworth 0
South Delta 42 Eric Hamber 0
Rick Hansen 52 Abbotsford 23
Valleyview 24 South Kamloops 0
Ballenas 41 Nanaimo District 8
Gridirons AA Varsity Top 5
1. Mission Roadrunners
2. South Delta Sundevils
3. John Barsby Bulldogs
4. Ballenas Whalers
5. Windsor Dukes
Round 1 Match-Ups
Top Half of Bracket
Mission vs Nechako Valley : The key to this game is Mission's week long fundraiser. You see folks, they need to collect at least 10 G for all of the speeding tickets they are going to get en route to the endzone. All Smart Aleking aside, Nechako Valley is a pretty good squad with veteren players and continuity in their offensive/defensive systems year-toyear. Athletically, they are just overmatched. GI's Pick: Mission by 30 plus.
Belmont vs Windsor: This game is a rematch of an early season tilt between these two squads. Round 1 did not go favorably for Belmont. Oh, the difference a season makes! Both teams have made great strides since early September and Belmont enters the game the higher seed and importantly, playing at home! I see this game coming down to three key factors: 1) Turnovers: Belmont can ill afford to turn over the ball. 2) Defense: Windsor has not stood in front of a massive offensive line such as Belmont's and the home squad will put at least 3 TD's on the board. On the flip side, Belmont gave up huge yardage to Seaquam in their week 9 finale. Can Belmont match scores with Windsor? 3) Kicking-Game: If Belmont gets on a short field with their offense, it could be lights out for Windsor. GI's Pick: Windsor by 11 as the Duke offense finds the perimeter and passing holes in Belmont's defense.
College Heights vs Rick Hansen: Will the real Slim Shady er um Rick Hansen please stand-up, please stand-up? Hurricanes or Jekyll and Hydes, who the heck knows with this crew. I think that if Hansen goes with power running and stays patient, their better half will emerge in this contest. College Heights was a bit of a surprise up North. Cinderella ends here fellas. GI's Pick: Hansen by 14
Ballenas vs Seaquam: The Whalers are tough close to home and boast one of the top two passing attacks in the province. This said, they run the ball very effectively as well. Seaquam has consistently gained large chunks of yardage on the ground with their big back, but has done little else offensively. I just cannot see the Seaquam defense being complete enough to handle the shelling that is coming their way. In terms of special teams, the Whalers are lethal in the short kicking department and complete in all other areas. GI's Pick: Whalers by 24
Bottom Half of Bracket
John Barsby vs Holy Cross: Holy Cross will have had two weeks to prepare for the Barsby Double Wing due to a week 9 bye. The Crusaders are very well coached and will bring their A game to Nanaimo this Friday. On top of the bye week preparation, HC has no JV distractions to deal with either as their crew was eliminated on Thursday. For their part, Barsby is a bit chewed-up from the past three weeks and will need to rely on great defense and special teams to get er done. This game will be closer than many think. What does this mean? HC will be in full force and this game has upset potential written all over it if Barsby can't score often and early. GI's Pick: Barsby by 11 in a squeaker.
Robert Bateman vs Kalmalka : Bateman has been playing some very good football of late and other than a loss to all world Mission, this is one of the hottest teams in BC AA ball. The Timberwolves have too much team speed for their opponent to match-up with across the board and are a physical crew to boot. The running game will be exceptional for them as will explosive short catches and big runs. Kalmalka is the class of the Interior and can run the footall very well. I am not sure they have a balanced enough offense to keep Bateman from loading the box on em and smothering the Laker ground game. Bateman does have a long travel day which will help out Kal's chances GI's Pick: Bateman by 17
South Delta vs Carson Graham: The Sundevils are healthy and playing their best football of the year. The South Delta squad is also far more physical than the Eagles. This, combined with an edge in team speed going to the SD crew does not bode well for Carson. GI's Pick: SD by 34
Valleyview vs Pitt Meadows: Pitt has quietly put together a superb season and their combination of speed and size are going to make them tough indeed this weekend. I like the defensive front 8 to dominate by mid game and the deep passing game to hit paydirt for the Marauders. Valleyview will run the ball well early but find the going tough in the second half. Pitt is just too big. GI's Pick: Pitt by 14
Sunday, October 28, 2012
Week Nine
The Border Battle between Barsby and Ballenas lived up to its moniker coming down to the last drive of the game before the outcome was determined. Both squads will enter the playoffs playing some great ball. Belmont had another statement game within their division vs Hugh Boyd and Mission set the stage for a game to determine first seed out of the East this coming weekend. South Delta and Seaquam rolled over their respective oppontnets and Carson Graham cinched its playoff seed in dominant fashion. Up north, Nechako Valley proved again that it is the team to beat while College Heights upset Kelley Road in a tough contest.
South Delta 45 Holy Cross 0
Mission 41 Rick Hansen 19
John Barsby 22 Ballenas 14
Valleyview 49 Westsyde 6
Handsworth 20 Nanaimo District 12
Belmont 34 Hugh Boyd 20
Robert Bateman 41 Langley 0
Carson Graham 32 Argyle 8
Nechako Valley 38 Duchess Park 8
College Heights 15 Kelly Road
GI’s Top 5
1. Mission Roadrunners
2. South Delta Sundevils3. John Barsby Bulldogs
4. Ballenas Whalers
5. Robert Batemen Timberwolves
Gridiron’s Picks
Friday, 2 November
Argyle @ John Barsby: Argyle travels to Nanaimo to finish their season. A foundation is being laid by this group for years to come. Finishing the seasonon can't help but be a positive. GI's Pick: Barsby by 35
Westsyde @ Mt. Baker: These two teams wrap-up their year in what is probably the most evenly matched game of their respective seasons. GI's Pick: Westsyde by 12
Ballenas @ Nanaimo District: The Whalers are coming off of an electric game vs Barsby and the Islanders off of a hard fought 1 TD loss to Handsworth. Ballenas will win this one, but Nanaimo will fight hard to the end. GI's Pick: Whalers by 24
Windsor @ Handsworth: This is a pride game for both teams. Windsor is the class of the North Shore in 2012 and is rounding into serious playoff form. I think the Dukes are faster and tougher than their foes. GI's Pick: Dukes by 16
Rick Hansen @ Abbottsford Collegiate: Hansen is fighting hard for the third place seed in their division. Abbey is looking to find a positive after a tough season. I think the cupboards are better stocked at Hansen and the athleticism and speed will be too much for the Panthers. GI's Pick: Hansen by 14
South Delta @ Eric Hamber: Hamber is facing an almost identical situation to that of Argyle this week. There is pride in making it through a tough season fellas. You are paving the way for those to follow. GI's Pick: South Delta by 40 plus.
South Kamloops @ Valleyview: This really amounts to an early playoff game for these two teams. I think Valleyview has established a more thorough body of work this season and they come into this game more complete offensively than their foes. GI's Pick: Valleyview by 8
Langley @ Pitt Meadows: Langley is in a bit of a free fall and Pitt is the rise. I think the Pitt passing game and size will be the difference makers come Friday. GI's Pick: Marauders by 17
Belmont @ Seaquam: Belmont and Seaquam playing for second place in the South. Eight weeks ago, who would have visualized this? Belmont is running some decent power football and will score at least three times. Seaquam is one of the teams who can match-up in terms of size with the visitors. Then there is the Lego factor. The Seaquam back will have a big day on Sat. If Belmont's defense can prevent this from happening, then it is going to be close. If Lego can get into the end-zone four times, Seaquam wins. Kicking and special teams play will be decisive. GI's Pick: Seahawks by 11
AA Junior Varsity
Big wins by GW Graham and Nanaimo District HS shook up the top five and have tightened up the playoff picture headed into week 9 play.
Gridiron's AA Junior Varsity Top Five
1. Robert Bateman Timberwolves
2. Mission Roadrunners
3. Carson Graham Eagles
4. Hugh Boyd Trojans
5. John Barsby Bulldogs
Honorable Mention: Nanaimo District Islanders, GW Graham Grizzlies, Abbottsford Collegiate Panthers, South Kamloops Titans
Sunday, October 21, 2012
Week 8
AA Varsity Week 8
Week Seven In Review
Sundevils pitchfork Barsby at home in a gridiron brawl, Hurricanes sputter into a tropical depression, Whalers harpoon the Royals en route to posting another big W , Timberwolves tree the Panthers, Dukes reign supreme on North Shore, Marauders get er done, Lakers awash in victory, Kelley Road runs to victory, Eagles claw past Islanders, Vikings raid Clansmen, Roadrunners run wild, Seahawks pounce on Crusaders and so it went this past weekend.
The top 5 is certainly shaken-up and the playoff picture only got more interesting as a result.
The top 5 is certainly shaken-up and the playoff picture only got more interesting as a result.
Week 7 Scores
Seaquam 35 Holy Cross 17
Mission 49 Langley 7
Pitt Meadows 21 Rick Hansen 8
Ballenas 33 Handsworth 14
Windsor 49 Argyle 0
Hugh Boyd 29 Eric Hamber 0
Robert Bateman 42 Abbotsford 14
Carson Graham 15 Nanaimo District 8
Kalamalka 33 Westsyde 0
Nechako Valley 66 Correlieu 7
GI’s Top Five
1. Mission Roadrunners
2. South Delta Sundevils3. John Barsby Bulldogs
4. Ballenas Whalers
5. Robert Bateman Timberwolves
Gridiron’s Week 8 Picks
Friday, 26 October
Handsworth @ Nanaimo : Handsworth played a surprisingly good first half vs Ballenas. Now the Royals make the trip to Nanaimo to play a scrappy NDSS squad. There ought to be some great banging going on this Friday in this close match-up. The passing edge goes to Handsworth. If the Islander crew gets healthy, they will give their full measure. GI's Pick: Royals by 6
Robert Bateman @ Langley : This will be a physical game for awhile and then Bateman will pull away on the strength of their ground game and team speed. GI's Pick: Bateman by 21
Frank Hurt @ Windsor: Windsor is better in every aspect of the game. GI's Pick: Dukes by 30
Argyle @ Carson
Graham: The Eagles will win this game handily as they outmatch their opponents in terms of athletes and football moxy. GI's Pick: Eagles by 28
Barsby @ Ballenas: Number one in the West comes down to the 2012 Border Battle Game to be played at Merle Logan Field in Nanaimo. The Whalers are red hot and undefeated in AA competition this year. Barsby is one nasty hornet's nest headed into this game. In a word, it is going to be epic. The Whalers can do it all on offense and have a very physical defense. Barsby is playing tough defense and offensively, well they have to look in the mirror and get better than they were last weekend. Special teams are going to be huge! Practices at both fields ought to be dialed in. GI's Pick: Barsby by 7
Abbottsford Collegiate @ Pitt Meadows: My, my a difference a year makes. Pitt has really come on strong in 2012 and the program must be vibrating after this past week's big upset win over Hansen. Too much size and speed for the Panthers to handle, not to mention momentum. GI's Pick: Pitt by 14
Saturday, 27 October
South Kamloops @
Seaquam @ Eric Hamber: Two more weeks left Hamber, some good post-season JV Ball
and then 2012 is a wrap. Find your positives and congrats on making it the distance! Next year will be better because of the foundation laid by this year's squad. Seaquam will load up Lego's stats in this one. GI's Pick: Seaquam by 45
Mission @ Rick Hansen: Some lustre has been taken off of this game based on Hansen's recent defeat at the hands of the Marauders. Still, this could be a big rebound game for the Hurricanes. However the blue and gold do bounce, it won't be high enough in the face of the lazer speed and precision that the Roadrunners are going to bring to the table. Weins, Horton and co. are going to be too much. GI's Pick: Roadrunners by 23
Holy Cross @ South Delta: The Sundevils are coming off of a milestone game vs Barsby and are rolling on all cylinders. This team is complete and hitting their stride at exactly the right time in the season. Cross is outmatched at every position on the field athletically. GI's Pick: South Delta by 28 plus.
AA Junior Varsity Week 8
Week In Review
The cream has really begun to rise in the JV ranks this past week. The hottest team out there may be the number 3 ranked Mission Roadrunners. The table is set for some decisive week 8 games.
GI's Top 5
1. Abbottsford Collegiate Panthers
2. Robert Bateman Timberwolves
3. Mission Roadrunners
4. Carson Graham Eagles
5. Belmont Bulldogs
Honourable Mention: SKS Titans, PGSS Polars, NDSS Islanders, Hugh Boyd Trojans, John Barsby Bulldogs
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